20 March 2018

Review: Here So Far Away

Here So Far Away
by Hadley Dyer

Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication Date: March 20, 2018

Meet George. Her real name is Frances, but no one calls her that. George is your typical high school senior; she drinks, she parties, she stresses out about college. However, when George gets isolated from her best friends after a sudden falling out, her life is dramatically changed. After being estranged from her friends, George goes to work for a benign 82-year-old and his messy house, farm, and pet pig. Through this work, George becomes closer to the town’s newcomer, Francis. Their bond grows past their shared name, which eventually raises many issues, such as a large age gap and the fact that Francis works for George’s father. With a second half full of twists and turns, HERE SO FAR AWAY by Hadley Dyer is a very enjoyable and exciting book.

Despite her reliance on young adult book cliches, Dyer manages to turn a somewhat plain storyline into something that rises above similar books. Through strong writing, addictive subplots, and down to earth characters, HERE SO FAR AWAY is a book that would definitely be enjoyed by most. With a strong sense of nostalgia throughout, Dyer roped me in from the get-go. Despite originally being hesitant about its less-than-original premise, I was thoroughly surprised and even impressed by this roller coaster tale of redemption, unrequited love, grief, and ultimately, the power of friendship.

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