25 October 2018

Review: Flatland

by Edwin A. Abbott

Publisher: Dover
Publication Date: September 21, 1992

FLATLAND by Edwin A. Abbott is narrated by a Square, who describes how life works in the Second Dimension. He explains things such as how their society functions in a Caste system, how the inhabitants see or “feel” their surroundings, and the differences between males and females. FLATLAND is not really a plot-driven book, which for me, can occasionally be a bit difficult to get through. I would describe this book as “interesting”. It is not gripping or suspenseful. However, it offers a unique perspective (pun intended) of something few ponder. For those who are interested in physics, engineering, or anything geometrical, I would highly recommend this book. However, even though I myself am interested in these subjects, I still found myself rereading many passages multiple times; not because I did not understand what was being described, but because I wanted to fully comprehend it. The occasional illustration assists with understanding this different reality, but still requires much thought to truly understand and comprehend how life works in Flatland.

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