The Diabolic
by S. J. Kincaid
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: November 1, 2016
In the dystopian
novel THE DIABOLIC, by S.J. Kincaid, Nemesis, a Diabolic, devoted
her entire life to protecting Sidonia Impyrean (Donia) at any cost
necessary; it was what she was created to do. As a result of Senator
Impyrean, Sidonia’s father, committing a treacherous act against
the empire, Sidonia is summoned to the Emperor's palace, the
Chrysanthemum. Nemesis, realizing that Donia is in danger, poses as
Sidonia and goes to the Chrysanthemum in her place to protect her,
convincing everyone that she is Sidonia Impyrean. When the Emperor
damages Nemesis in a way she could not predict, Nemesis plots to kill
the Emperor with the help of his crazed nephew and heir, Tyrus
Dometrean. Throughout the book, Tyrus helps Nemesis realize that she
has human aspects in her when she thought she had none, and causes
her to realize that it is possible for her to have emotions the way
others do.
I enjoyed reading
THE DIABOLIC, and I would give it a rating of seven out of ten stars.
There was good character development for most of the main characters,
and some of the main characters, such as Tyrus, have their background
briefly explained later in the book where it has a greater effect.
When Nemesis is collaborating with Tyrus, she forms a small bond with
him. This connection evolves throughout their partnership and Nemesis
realizes that she is forming a connection to someone other than
Sidonia, which mortifies her. Still under the grip of the Emperor,
she realizes that she may never see Sidonia again, failing her one
purpose in life. This eventually makes her less reluctant to bond
with Tyrus, and forms somewhat of a love triangle between her,
Sidonia, and Tyrus. Nemesis’s love for Tyrus seems a little bit
unnatural to me because Tyrus is the first person Nemesis allowed
herself to attach to, not because he was the first person she was
attracted to, but because he was the first person to attach to after
Nemesis’s realization about Sidonia. When Nemesis first arrived in
the Chrysanthemum, the Emperor commands her to tell one of her
Servitors (human-like creatures unable to think) to skin herself
alive, which has some vivid imagery of the gruesome flay. There is
one character who seemingly dies, but then is revealed to be alive,
but then dies for real in the presence of Nemesis shortly after they
reunite. I did not like this story arc because while it does cause
emotional trauma for Nemesis needed for the story, it does not do
much for the reader. I have already experienced this character's
death, and it has less of an impact the second time, even though
Nemesis’s presence makes it much more sad. I think it would have
been better to either have that character seemingly die, or only die
the second time. There is also a point in the story where the Emperor
destroys numerous entire planets. There is a sense of loss and grief
in the following chapters, but in my opinion, there was an extreme
disregard to the actuality of the loss. These people are sad and
scared that they lost their homes and families, but very few people
show it. To me, this book resembles a mixture of SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD
and PATHFINDER. If there was a sequel to this book, I would want to
read it. I would also want to read other books by S.J. Kincaid after
reading this, but this book does not make me want to put her other
books at the top of my list.